CyberInfrastructure Description Repository

Open Storage Network (OSN)

Open Storage Network

Resource Type: Storage

User Guide:

Recommended Use: Cloud-style storage of project datasets for access using AWS S3-compatible tools. The minimum allocation is 10TB. Storage allocations up to 300TB may be requested via the XSEDE resource allocation process.

Latitude: 39.330021604840944

Longitude: -76.62052843022565

Production Dates: 04/01/2021 -

Public URL:

Description: The Open Storage Network (OSN) is an NSF-funded cloud storage resource, geographically distributed among several pods. OSN pods are currently hosted at SDSC, NCSA, MGHPCC, RENCI, and Johns Hopkins University. Each OSN pod currently hosts 1PB of storage, and is connected to R&E networks at 50 Gbps. OSN storage is allocated in buckets, and is accessed using S3 interfaces with tools like rclone, cyberduck, or the AWS cli.

Access Description: Projects to which OSN storage is allocated are issued keys used to read and write data in OSN buckets using AWS S3-compatible tools, such as rclone, cyberduck, or the AWS cli. Access keys are valid for the duration of the project's allocation. A web interface is provided at for allocated project users to manage and browse their storage.

Sensitive Data: Allocated projects are responsible for all access keys, data protections and encryption required for their data stored on OSN resources.